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Definition SME - Small and Medium Enterprises

The size of an enterprise is defined by means of employment, turnover, balance sheet total and autonomy and checked with the European SME definition.

Small enterprises

  • employing less than 50 employees;
  • having a yearly turnover up to a maximum of 10 million euro or a yearly balance sheet total up to a maximum of 10 million euro;
  • complying with the autonomy criterion.

Medium enterprises

  • employing less than 250 employees;
  • having a yearly turnover up to a maximum of 50 million euro or a yearly balance sheel total up to a maximum of 43 million euro;
  • complying with the autonomy criterion;
  • not being a small enterprise.

Autonomy is based on the composition of the data of the support asking entreprise with the data of the participating (as of a participation of 25%) and joint enterprises (as of a participation of 50%).

Large enterprises

Large enterprises are enterprises that are, in function of the European SME definition, neither small nor medium.